My name is Joseph Nguyen, but you can call me Big Mon Joe, I just wanted to introduce myself as your ORIENTATION CHAIR for the year 2020/2021. I am in charge of planning a BANGER of a FROSH WEEK for you wonderful folks. We have so many FUN & interactive events planned for you such as livestream, parties, paint night, Tik Tok competitions, modelling & photography tutorial, talent shows and an E-Formal.
I also want to emphasize how much frosh means to me, as a first year (so many years ago lol) I was a shy and nervous kid, but through Frosh Week I was able to meet some of my best friends now and come out of my shell. But more importantly I was welcomed and introduced to a home away from, a place of rest during my university career, I found Stong College.
I especially want to do this for y’all, I want to make your transition into university and easier and welcoming experience. I want to you to become a Spartan, in our Stong Community. I want you to be apart of this amazing community so you can have all the support and resources you need to make your university career the best year of your lives.
That being said, please remember to RSVP for our frosh, and purchase our FROSH KIT through our website and app. There is some heat in those kits and I can’t wait to see y’all in our STONG SWAG during Frosh Week.
Big Mon Joe Signing off for now.

@alanachung2003 I will direct message you