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HOW DO I PARTICIPATE IN O-WEEK?To participate in O-Week, you will need to complete a google form BEFORE purchasing a ticket on our website! This will allow you to buy a O-Week's Kit with Stong's merch and will give you access to all of our exciting events as well!
DO I NEED TO ATTEND O-WEEK?No, you do not need to! However, you might just be missing out on one of the best times of your life! Our O-chair and other council members have been working so hard to ensure that this is one of the best weeks ever! You do not need to come but this is a chance to meet your fellow classmates and gain friends/family that you will have for life!
AM I ABLE TO MISS EVENTS?Yes, you can! You do not have to come to every event. However, we got quite a week planned so we want you to come to as many as you can!
WHERE DO I GO ON THE FIRST DAY OF O-WEEK (AUGUST 26)?We are located on the beautiful West side of York's campus! Our address is 165 Campus Walk and there will be signs all around the building that say Stong College. If you are driving, you can park at the Thompson Road Parking Lot or the Arboretum Parking Garage! These are the closest Parking Lots to our beloved College. If you are getting dropped off, you can get off at the Calumet Loop, the Thompson Road Loop, or right in front of Stong Residence on Arboretum Lane! If you are taking public transit, you can get off at Pioneer Village Station and walk South and follow the maps and signs right to Stong College! You can also use your phone to navigate right towards Stong!
WHEN IS THE LAST DAY TO PURCHASE A O-WEEK KIT?You would want to purchase a Frosh Kit as soon as you can so you do not miss out on any of the exciting events we have! If you are unable to purchase a kit and want to do so at a later date, the last date would September 2nd, 2024.
WHEN CAN I PICK UP FROM O-WEEK KIT?After purchasing you buy pick up your kits on either of these days: August 26th, 2024 between 9:00AM - 12:00PM August 27th, 2024 between 9:00AM - 10:45PM Make sure to pick up your kits ON TIME! Have Proof of Purchase ready when picking up.
WILL MY BELONGINGS BE SAFE DURING O-WEEK?Yes! Your belongings will be extremely safe! They will be locked in a room that only the O-Chair and President can access and will be locked and unlocked if you need to access any of your belongings!
CAN I BRING SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT ATTEND YORK TO O-WEEK?Unfortunately, you cannot bring someone who does not attend York to O-Week. It is only open to those who go to York!
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